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St. John's Episcopal School offers students, 2 years old through 5th Grade, an interdisciplinary curriculum that stretches and challenges each child and values collaboration among both students and teachers. Our curriculum includes reading, writing, spelling, science, public speaking, mathematics, and social studies. 

Curriculum Guides

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The aim of St. John’s Episcopal School is for each child to grow in maturity, knowledge, and in spirit.  Through engaging learning experiences, students gain positive self-esteem. St. John’s small class size enables faculty to focus on each child and meet his or her individual needs.      

The separated EPK (Early Pre-Kindergarten) Building is organized to allow for easy movement from group learning activities into independent play areas. The creatively designed area gives St. John’s youngest students a sheltered, safe place to become accustomed to life away from home. Physical separation from the older students ensures quiet rest time and safe play areas that are designed specifically for their age level.  

Language Arts / Reading   

  • Thematic units are used throughout the year following the 2-year-old Frog Street curriculum
  • Oral language, phonological awareness, letter knowledge and concepts of printed words 
  • Recognizing the first letter of own name 
  • Introduction to language skills and building vocabulary to prepare for literacy 
  • Introduction to the letters of the alphabet 
  • Use of simple sentences to express needs  

Mathematics / Science   

  • Within the thematic units basic math and science concepts are covered 
  • Introduction to numbers 
  • Learning basic shapes and colors 
  • Introduction to order and sequence events  

Motor Skills   

  • Growth in physical and motor skills to help reinforce each child’s development 
  • Exhibiting healthy behaviors and body coordination  

Social / Emotional Skills   

  • Playing cooperatively in a small and large group 
  • Reinforcing responsible behavior in social situations 
  • Using the five senses 
  • Expressing emotion with music, dance and drama 
  • Reinforcing citizenship skills 
  • Potty training  

Enrichments   

  • Music, Spanish, P.E. and Library 
  • Technology is taught in the classroom   

Religion   

  • Attend Chapel three days a week beginning second semester  
  • The students also learn Bible stories in the classroom to promote Christian character

St. John’s Episcopal School instills within students a healthy love and desire for learning. Helping each student make a successful transition from home into the educational environment is an important goal of our preschool program.   

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The aim of St. John’s Episcopal School is for each child to grow in maturity, knowledge, and in spirit. Through engaging learning experiences, students gain positive self-esteem. St. John’s small class size enables faculty to focus on each child and meet his or her individual needs.

PK3 students are grouped together in the academic building. The creatively designed area gives St. John’s youngest students a sheltered, safe place to become accustomed to life away from home. Physical separation from the older students ensures quiet rest time and safe play areas that are designed specifically for their age level.

Language Arts / Reading

  • Thematic units are used throughout the year following the 3-year-old Frog Street curriculum
  • Oral language, phonological awareness, letter knowledge and concepts of environmental print
  • Recognizing own name in print
  • Identifying letters of the alphabet
  • Introduction to language skills and increase vocabulary to prepare for literacy

Mathematics / Science

  • Within the thematic units basic math and science concepts are covered
  • Mastering basic shapes and colors
  • Identifying numbers 1-10 in English and Spanish
  • Beginning to order and sequence events
  • Identify and sort the seasons, weather, and days of the week
  • Sort objects by attributes

Motor Skills

  • Growth in physical and motor skills to help reinforce each child’s development
  • Practicing holding pencil, crayon and scissors correctly
  • Exhibiting healthy behaviors and body coordination

Social / Emotional Skills

  • Increase attention and focus in group lessons
  • Playing cooperatively in a small or large group
  • Reinforcing responsible behavior in social situations
  • Using the five senses
  • Expressing emotion with music, dance and drama
  • Reinforcing citizenship skills
  • Recite Pledge of Allegiance
  • Follows simple rules and routines


  • Music, Spanish, P.E., Technology, Godly Play and Library


  • Attend Chapel three days a week
  • The students also learn Bible stories in the classroom to promote Christian character
  • Godly Play

St. John’s Episcopal School instills within students a healthy love and desire for learning. Helping each student make a successful transition from home into the educational environment is an important goal of our preschool program.

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The aim of St. John’s Episcopal School is for each child to grow in maturity, knowledge, and in spirit. Our goal is to foster positive self-esteem through engaging learning experiences. St. John’s small class size enables faculty to focus on each child and meet his or her individual needs.

Language Arts / Reading

  • Thematic units are used throughout the year in conjunction with Frog Street PK Curriculum
  • Heggerty Phonemic and Phonological Awareness
  • Mastery of letters, sounds, while increasing vocabulary
  • Book knowledge, phonological and phonemic awareness
  • Concepts of print, mastering own name
  • Listening and oral language skills
  • Introduction to rhyming

Mathematics / Science

  •  Within the thematic units basic math and science concepts are covered
  • Mastery of numbers 1-15 in print and sequence
  • Identify and copy patterns
  • Sort by attribute
  • Observe and perform simple science experiments

Motor Skills

  • Growth in physical and motor skills to help reinforce each child’s development
  • Practicing holding pencil, crayon and scissors correctly
  • Exhibiting healthy behaviors, body coordination, and self-expression through music and dance
  • IPad technology utilized in the classroom

Social / Emotional Skills

  • Playing cooperatively in a small and large group
  • Reinforcing responsible behavior in social situations
  • Reinforcing citizenship skills and showing respect to others
  • Recite Pledge of Allegiance and St. John’s Eagle Creed


  •  Music, Spanish, P.E., Technology, Godly Play and Library


  • Attend Chapel two days a week (Tuesday for Praise and Worship, Thursday for a Class Lead Chapel)
  • Lead two Praise and Worship Sessions and one Class Lead Chapel
  • The students also learn Bible stories in the classroom to promote Christian character

St. John’s Episcopal School strives to instill within our students a healthy love and desire for learning. Helping each child make a successful transition from home into the educational environment is an important goal of our transition program.


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The aim of St. John’s Episcopal School is for each child to grow in maturity, knowledge, and in spirit. Our goal is to foster positive self esteem through engaging learning experiences. St. John’s small class size enables faculty to focus on each child and meet his or her individual needs.

Language Arts / Reading

  • Balanced Literary used along with Saxon Phonics & Heggerty Phonemic Awareness – designed to differentiate learning where phonological and phonemic learning, coupled with opportunities to read and write, ensures literacy success
  • Forming words with letters
  • Recognition of upper and lower case
  • Basic handwriting, beginning writing skills including sentence structure
  • Becoming emergent readers, increasing vocabulary and learning story comprehension skills


  • KinderMath: fun and engaging hands on learning that emphasizes critical thinking
  • Simple addition and subtraction
  • Concept of time
  • Basic graphing, sorting and patterns
  • Counting to 100 in 1’s, 5’s and 10’s
  • Recognizing coins and the value of money
  • Days of the week, Months of the year
  • Geometry of shape


  • Describe, observe and investigate properties of common objects
  • Use simple measuring devices
  • Discussing and observing life cycle
  • Performing simple experiments in the classroom

Motor Skills

  • Growth in physical and motor skills to help reinforce each child’s development
  • Mastery of fine motor skills such as pencil grip, tying their shoes, knowing left and right
  • Demonstrating personal coordination

Social / Emotional Skills

  • Following directions & participating in group activities
  • Demonstrating self-control, exhibiting responsible behavior and showing respect to others through varied developmental centers


  • Art, Music, Spanish, P.E., Technology, Godly Play and Library
  • Participate in Reading Buddies with older grade level students


  • Attend Chapel three days a week
  • The students also learn Bible stories in the classroom to promote Christian character
  • Godly Play Class

St. John’s Episcopal School instills within students a healthy love and desire for learning. Helping each student make a successful transition from home into the educational environment is an important goal of our preschool program.

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The mission at St. John’s Episcopal School is for each child to grow in maturity, knowledge, and in spirit.  Our goal is to foster positive self esteem through engaging learning experiences.  St. John’s small class size enables faculty to focus on each child and meet his or her individual needs.    

Language Arts / Reading
  • Engaging Readers, the language arts curriculum, includes reading comprehension strategies, sight words and vocabulary, interactive writing, shared writing, and independent writing activities in daily journals as well as lessons in grammar
  • Identify upper and lower-case letters in the sequence of the alphabet
  • Heggerty Phonemic & Phonological Awareness Curriculum
  • Recognize distinguishing features of a sentence including punctuation
  • Zaner-Bloser handwriting program is used for manuscript writing skills
  • Envision math emphasizes concepts including numbers, patterns, measurement, symmetry, counting, money, time, place value, graphing, geometry, algebra, and fractions
  • Apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life
  • Solve word problems
  • Supplemented with independent practice and exploratory math tubs
  • A math calendar notebook is also kept on a daily basis
  • Science Studies Weekly explore all aspects of science including Earth/Space, Life and Physical Science
  • Observe and describe the natural world using the five senses
  • Identify parts of a plant
  • Experiments are done in the classroom weekly
  • Submit a class project for the school’s science fair 
Social Studies
  • Studies Weekly: My Home and School
  • Understands concepts of community, chronology and location
  • Understands how patriots, historical figures and good citizens shape the community
  • Identifies the United States and Texas flags & can recite the pledge
  • Identify tools that aid in determining location, including maps and globes
    Identify the physical characteristics of places such as landforms, bodies of water, natural resources and weather
  • Art, Music, Spanish, P.E., Technology, Godly Play and Library
  • Attend Chapel three days a week (Tuesday for Praise and Worship, Wednesday for Formal Chapel, Thursday for a Class Lead Chapel)
  • The students also learn Bible stories in the classroom to promote Christian character
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The aim of St. John’s Episcopal School is for each child to grow in maturity, knowledge, and in spirit. Through engaging learning experiences, students gain positive self-esteem. St. John’s small class size enables faculty to focus on each child and meet his or her individual needs.

Language Arts / Reading

  • Wonders Language Arts Curriculum includes reading, writing, capitalization, punctuation, prefixes, suffixes, contractions, complete sentences, synonyms, antonyms, homophones and vocabulary
  • Identify parts of a sentence
  • Identify the different parts of a book
  • Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Curriculum
  • Decode words in context and in isolation
  • Read with grade level appropriate fluency and comprehension
  • Read and understand a variety of literary types; such as Poetry, Fantasy, Realistic Fiction and Informational Texts
  • Use elements of the writing process when composing text to express ideas, feelings and to creatine original Fairy Tale
  • Zaner-Bloser Handwriting used to practice manuscript handwriting


  • Envision Math emphasizes numeration-counting, place value, fractions and money
  • Addition, subtraction, problem solving, graphing, measuring and probability
  • Geometry of 2-D and 3-D shapes, patterns, functions, and basic Algebra
  • Supplemented with independent practice using IXL and MyMath Academy


  • 1st grade Science is a pull out program
  • Science Weekly Curriculum - Introduction to Science and Engineering, Matter and It’s Properties, Force/Motion and Energy, Earth and Space, Organisms and Environment
  • Observe and describe the natural world using the five senses
  • Use appropriate tools and models to investigate the natural world
  • Submit a class project for the school’s science fair

Social Studies

  • Studies Weekly: My School and Local Community
  • Understand the origins of customs, holidays and celebrations
  • Understand and identify how historical figures, patriots and good citizens shaped the community, state and nation
  • Understand the concepts of time and chronology, economics and government
  • Understand geography through the Flat Stanley project


  • Art, Music, Spanish, P.E., Technology, Godly Play and Library


  • Attend Chapel three days a week
  • The students also learn Bible stories in the classroom to promote Christian character
  • Godly Play
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The mission at St. John’s Episcopal School is for each child to grow in maturity, knowledge, and in spirit.  Our goal is to foster positive self esteem through engaging learning experiences.  St. John’s small class size enables faculty to focus on each child and meet his or her individual needs.

Language Arts / Reading

  • Wonders Language Arts Curriculum -capitalization, punctuation, dictionary usage, sentence combining and grammar concepts 
  • Read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension, silently and aloud
  • Read a variety of text types such as fiction, nonfiction, folktales and poetry
  • Write, publish and present poetry at Poetry Coffee House 
  • Learn to read with meaning by building a schema, making meaningful connections, creating mental images, inferring, asking questions, and synthesizing information
  • Zaner-Bloser Handwriting used to practice manuscript and introduce cursive handwriting


  • Envision Math emphasizes addition and subtraction facts, place value, money, time, 3-D and 2-D shapes, whole-number operations and number stories, fractions, measurement, decimals and place value
  • Use numbers, operations and quantitative reasoning
  • Use patterns, relationships, algebra, geometry and special reasoning
  • Concepts supplemented with independent practice using IXL and MyMath Academy


  • Texas Science Weekly Curriculum units explore all aspects of science including the Human Body, Weather and Seasons, Magnets, Properties of the Earth, Living Things and their Environments, and Rocks and Soil
  • Use scientific safe practices for observation, investigation and reasoning
  • Use age appropriate tools and models to investigate the natural world
  • Understand the physical properties of matter, organisms, environment, earth and space
  • Identify the basic needs of plants and animals
  • 1st-5th grade Science is a pull out program taught
  • Submit a class Project for the School’s Science Fair

Social Studies

  • Studies Weekly: Connecting My communities government, holidays, patriotism, goods and services
  • Understand the significant of landmarks and celebrations in Community, state and nation
  • Understand concepts of time and chronology to related to past present and future
  • Interpret basic information from maps and globes
  • Important People in History-V.I.P. project
  • Understand the basic roles of producers and consumers with goods and services


  • Art, Music, Spanish, P.E., Technology, Godly Play and Library


  • Attend Chapel three days a week (Tuesday for Praise and Worship, Wednesday for Formal Chapel, Thursday for a Class Lead Chapel)
  • The students also learn Bible stories in the classroom to promote Christian character
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The mission at St. John’s Episcopal School is for each child to grow in maturity, knowledge, and in spirit.  Our goal is to foster positive self esteem through engaging learning experiences.  St. John’s small class size enables faculty to focus on each child and meet his or her individual needs.

Language Arts / Reading

  • Reading comprehension from a variety of texts for context clues, relevant questions and drawing conclusions 
  • Grade level reading comprehension, accuracy, fluency and vocabulary through selected novels
  • Wonders curriculum is used in conjunction with cross-curricular vocabulary
  • Reinforce capitalization and punctuation skills, sentence structure, composition and listening / speaking skills
  • Grammar terminology and editing for grammar, spelling, and mechanical errors 
  • Experience writing in a variety of forms, including journals, novel responses, songs, poems, letters, stories, and research papers
  • Zaner-Bloser is used as a guide for handwriting, working on manuscript and cursive practice


  • Envision Math Curriculum focuses on basic facts, operations, quantitative reasoning, algebra, geometry, measuring and probability
  • Master basic facts, including those of numerical fluency, place value, money, multiplication and division
  • Fractions with multi digit numbers in the four operations
  • Word problems to develop appropriate problem solving skills using mathematical processes and tools
  • Explain all their mathematical thinking through pictures, numbers, and words
  • Differentiation through small groups and online platforms such as IXL


  • The SAVVAS Texas Experience Curriculum units explore Earth Science including the Earth and Space, energy, matter, motion and light
  • Scientific inquiry methods by evaluating data, interpreting patterns, and by making observations and conclusions
  • Explore physical science such as matter, organisms and the earth’s natural resources 
  • Explore the solar system demonstrating the relationship of the Sun, Earth and Moon
  • Use scientific safe practices, investigation and inquiry methods to conduct experiments
  • Create a Science Fair entry as a class
  • Explore force, organisms, ecosystems and patterns on Earth

Social Studies

  • Studies Weekly Our Expanding Community
  • National, state, and local governments
  • Understand how individuals and events influence history
  • Understand the concepts of location and how to use a compass rose, grid system, and symbols
  • Understand the free enterprise system by creating a product for an economics fair
  • Demonstrate skills to determine expenses, profits, net- loss, and create advertisements


  • Art, Music, Spanish, P.E., Technology, Godly Play and Library


  • Attend Chapel three days a week (Tuesday for Praise and Worship, Wednesday for Formal Chapel, Thursday for a Class Lead Chapel)
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The aim of St. John’s Episcopal School is for each child to grow in maturity, knowledge, and in spirit. Through engaging learning experiences, students gain positive self-esteem. St. John’s small class size enables faculty to focus on each child and meet his or her individual needs.

Language Arts / Reading

  • Reading curriculum focuses on developing in the students a love of reading with a variety of genres
  • Analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about the theme and genre in different contexts
  • Comprehension, accuracy, fluency and vocabulary are emphasized through selected novels
  • Grade level spelling is used in conjunction with cross-curricular vocabulary
  • Zaner-Bloser is used as a guide for handwriting, working on cursive practice
  • Wonders curriculum provides grammar and spelling skills to write with correct conventions
  • Writing Workshop: Uses writing process recursively to compose multiple texts with appropriate conventions


  • Envision Math, focus on comparing and ordering fractions and decimals, applying multiplication and division, and developing ideas related to congruence and symmetry
  • Identify and describe attributes of geometric figures using formal geometric language
  • Use organizational structures to analyze and describe patterns and relationships and are expected to describe the relationship between two sets of related data such as ordered pairs in a table
  • Use mathematical strategies such as pattern, relationships and algebraic thinking to solve problems
  • Use processes and tools to apply measurement concepts, probability and statistics
  • Differentiation through small groups and online platforms such as IXL


  • Savvas Texas Experience 4th Grade Curriculum - Matter, force/motion, energy, Earth and Space, organisms, patterns in Earth, interactions of ecosystems
  • 4th Grade Science is a pull out program
  • Understand that certain types of questions can be answered by investigations and those methods, models, and conclusions built from these investigations change as new observations are made
  • Develop an understanding of the Scientific Method and strengthen critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to synthesize information while developing scientific vocabulary, knowledge, and lab skills
  • Apply the Scientific Method to identify problems and test hypotheses for Science Fair projects

Social Studies

  • Studies Weekly: Our State
  • Texas History is the primary focus from the early beginnings of Texas to the present context
  • Including: The Texas Revolution, establishment of the Republic of Texas, studying regions of physical features and human activity from European exploration to American Indian cultures and modern day Texas influential people
  • Learn and implement the methods of research and elements of a research paper as they complete an in-depth project: Texas Wax Museum


  • Art, Music, Spanish, P.E., Technology, Godly Play and Library


  • Attend Chapel three days a week
  • The students also learn Bible stories in the classroom to promote Christian character
  • Godly play
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The aim of St. John’s Episcopal School is for each child to grow in maturity, knowledge, and in spirit. Through engaging learning experiences, students gain positive self-esteem. St. John’s small class size enables faculty to focus on each child and meet his or her individual needs.

Language Arts / Reading

  • Reading curriculum focuses on developing in the students a love of reading with a variety of genres 
  • Grade-level comprehension, accuracy, fluency and vocabulary are emphasized through selected novels
  • Grade level spelling curriculum is used in conjunction with cross-curricular vocabulary
  • Zaner-Bloser is used as a guide for handwriting, working on cursive practice
  • Novel studies are used to reinforce capitalization and punctuation skills, sentence structure, composition and listening / speaking skills
  • Writers Workshop uses writing process recursively to compose multiple texts and appropriate conventions


  • Envision Math includes numeration, operations, data analysis, geometry, measurement, patterns, functions, algebraic thinking and geometry/special reasoning
  • Use of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division efficiently and accurately
  • Describe relationships mathematically and select from and use diagrams and equations such as y = 5 + 3 to represent meaningful problem situations
  • The concept of division and how it relates to fractions, decimals and percents
  • Understand the definition and function of a fraction, be exposed to the ideas of equivalent fractions, improper fractions vs. mixed numbers, fraction inequalities, the addition and subtraction of fractions, and ultimately, changing fractions into decimals and percents
  • Data collection, data analysis, and graphing 
  • Differentiation through small groups and online platforms such as IXL
  • Analyze the relationship of perimeter, area and volume
  • Converting customary and metric units


  • Savvas Texas Experience 5th grade Science Curriculum units support scientific thinking through wonder, thought, exploration, investigation, observation, and developing critical response skills
  • Study of matter and energy, force and motion, flow of electricity, interactions of ecosystems
  • Earth and space focuses on rocks, landforms, earth, sun, moon and living organisms 
  • Use critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions and analyze, evaluate and critique scientific explanations by using empirical evidence, logical reasoning and experimental observations
  • In Science Fair, students apply the Scientific Method to identify problems and test their hypotheses


Social Studies

  • Studies Weekly – Our Nation
  • Explores the history and development of the United States of America beginning with the Native people of North America, while analyzing their relationship and role in developing native civilizations 
  • Explore the reasons and motivations behind the Age of Exploration and Explorers with the lasting effects of specific explorations connected to "famous" explorers 
  • Study the actions leading to the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War, as well as other historical events such as, Westward Expansion, the Civil War and other major wars 
  • Study the development of the United States Constitution 
  • Research skills, discernment strategies, economic decision making, and examine positive character traits


  • Art, Music, Spanish, P.E., Technology, Godly Play and Library


  • Attend Chapel three days a week
  • Acolytes for Weekly Chapel
  • The students also learn Bible stories in the classroom to promote Christian character
  • Godly Play